Happy 1 year anniversary Aston and some special news! :D

Hello People! 😀

Ok so today there are a few things I would like to get out in the open one is bad but on the other hand it’s actually balances out with good points…actually more good than bad 😀 So firstly, lets that the bad thing out of the way, it’s basically that there’s quite a bit of a storm around the South of the UK so it said that it would hit just a little bit over around the South East (where I live…so basically in London). Honestly we don’t really get storms and things like the way the get it in US and other counttries. So it becomes a much bigger deal in here, especially in London because it’s not common and people tend to get a little apprehensive ofor their own safety and such that some don’t even prepare for it! Well to be honest that’s not me…or my family…sort of 🙂 Anyways,, there is quite a heavy wind and it said to last for about 2-3 days! :O so I was quite surprised by this! 😀 Fortunately, everyone in my family are safe! Continue reading “Happy 1 year anniversary Aston and some special news! :D”

Feeling really creative! Definitely something going to happen soon!

Hey everyone! 😀

Ok so today I was watching a lot of polymer clay videos and also watching the Tv show Sister Sister really a classic tv shows back in the 90’s and yes anyone growing up in the 90’s would agree that tv was good back then (I was born in 90 so I so agree with that :P)

Continue reading “Feeling really creative! Definitely something going to happen soon!”

Drifting into endless motivation and searching for some redemption

Hey everyone! 😀

Ok so I know it’s been awhile but I must say that it was only because I haven’t been feeling so great! However I thought that I would write something today because I would feel bad if I didn’t. So I thought I’d talk about something that I really love and motivates me to move forward! 😀 Continue reading “Drifting into endless motivation and searching for some redemption”

Oh gosh! It’s here! :O

Hey Everyone 😀

Ok I know it’s been a lot longer then I thought and I know I said that I would update my blog yesterday and I didn’t so I can understand why you all might be mad! So before anything I’ll just apologise!! I’m really sorry I shouldn’t have said I would do something if I couldn’t! No excuses! Continue reading “Oh gosh! It’s here! :O”

Feeling inspired :P

Hey everyone! 🙂

So basically today I went to JSA and my body was killing me…I wouldn’t go into details about it because it’s pretty much the same….that aside I actually was talking to my advisor about my trip to Whales when I went in year 9 (I was 14 then ^^), it was a 1 week trip and I was surprised that my dad actually let me go 😛 (actually a few months back the topic came about and my dad was indenial and was shocked that he did let me go…so funny ^^) So anyways it just felt so nostalgic when I was thinking talking about it, making me really excited and thinking of going again…but of course that wouldn’t happen given my health and the timing 😛 Continue reading “Feeling inspired :P”