Working on some changes…

Hey everyone! 😀

Ok so I know it’s been a while since I’ve posted but it’s not that I haven’t forgetton it’s just that I am working on the changes to the blog and I want to share that with you all so yeah I apologise for any of the delay but it’s getting there by the way 😛

Anyways I hope that the positive thinking helps you all because it’s really a good way to approach things and it should help make decisions in a calm and easy way. Stay safe and think positive take care Tarana A beaming star shining with positivity for the world to embrace xoxox

Very interesting things that can be learnt!

Hey My lovely beaming stars! 😛

OK so I’ve been reading and studying (like I said I would) yesterday and today on different things! Then I thought to myself that I want to make some changes to my blog and share my knowlege with you guys! Which I would do in the next few weeks! So you all can learn new things and hopefully be inspired as well. Continue reading “Very interesting things that can be learnt!”

Geek mode on!

Hey everyone! 🙂

I know it’s just past midnight (and I’m SUPER tired) but I just had to post this, basically I want to learn a lot of things that I can’t go to places and learn so I’ve decided to home study it for now. I’m feeling really nerdy so tomorrow is basically a study day gonna learn a lot of stuff and share it with you all!! This will be things like health, beauty, skincare, crafts and so much more 😉 so yeah I just thought I’d share that with you. Learning can be fun it’s just how you go about it 😉 take care Tarana A beaming star shining with positivity for the world to embrace xoxox

Super Crafty mood! :)

Hey Everyone! 😀

So I thought to myself that I would like to do some very creative crafty work. My mood is making me feel like doing so! So what I thought was that I think I might actually do something very crafty soon and share all with you! Of course I don’t want my health to be affected by this so I won’t put too much preassure on myself 🙂 I’ll take my time with it! 🙂 So do look forward to it! 😀 Continue reading “Super Crafty mood! :)”

A new blog look!

Hey everyone! 🙂

As you can see I’ve changed the style of my blog completely! I thought it really needed a change and I finally made it happen! 😀 I really liked how my old one looked but I really like how it looks now, I think it really needs it and I think it’s good! 😀

I’m really liking the new change! 😀 I feel like I’m in the great change mode and I think it’s good changes that’s really needed. Changes are always good and I think it’s great to change things for the better 🙂 I’m not always comfortable with it but it’s needed to help change you in a better way it’s important so don’t fight it but actually see the benefits from it! 😀 Anyways I hope you all are taking care of yourselves, take care Tarana A beaming star shining with positivity for the world to embrace xoxox

Lets make it a productive Sunday

Hey everyone! 😀

Today I had a good 8 and half hours of sleep and woke up at 7 in the morning!! I felt great and my health feels better as well! I had no swelling today but I did have a lot of pain and tiny bit of swelling but other than that I feel great!! 😀 I prayed today and this is the view that I saw:

Continue reading “Lets make it a productive Sunday”

The miracle of Allah!

Hey everyone!! 😀

Ok I just had to share this with you all!! This is what happens when you have faith in Allah and also when you’re optimistic! 🙂 You know how in the morning it was raining and windy and I told you all to be very optimistic as even a gloomy weather can cheer people up! So for those who don’t like it at all or think that it doesn’t set the mood or feel only something gloomy from it well here’s the miracle! 🙂

Continue reading “The miracle of Allah!”

Good morning!

Good morning everyone!! 😀

Ok so today I woke up earlier than I had planned which is good 😉 I went to sleep at 10 to 11 and woke at half 2 not that I wanted to just could t fall back to sleep so I went to the kitchen and had a mini breakfast – Weatabix – my fave 😉 while I was eating my dad came down and he was talking to me afte he let I finished eating of course Aston during this whole time was meowing a lot because he wants to eat so I gave a very tiny portion of his food because he will be fed again properly around 7.

Continue reading “Good morning!”