Update – 4/08/19

Hey Everyone!

It’s been a long time since I’ve posted anything. The reason for this is that I have been busy and also trying to get my life back in order. A few months ago I have to admit I wasn’t doing so well, I was going through waves of sadness, basically depression (something that I’m finding difficult to say here). It is such a common thing but I never thought that I would be going through the same thing.

Before this wave pool of depression, I have been thinking to myself how I could get my life back in order and I’ve managed to do so by improving on myself. I wanted to get therapy as I know that it helps and I feel like improving on myself, admitting to yourself that you’re not in the right headspace for anything is a challenge which I bravely took the first leap, admitting. After that, I was able to look into the next stage which was how to improve or ‘get better.’ I’ve found that counselling helped, as I’ve experienced it last time and it was helpful and I wanted to try it again and find that means by speaking to my doctor.

I was able to self-refer myself to a therapy service which assessed me and felt that speaking in a group would help. I hoped it was a one-to-one session where I could go deeply personal issues, however, I’ve never tried group therapy before and thought that I would give it a go. I actually found it helpful to see other people in a similar situation and a group understanding of each others condition that people around us would never actually know or even fully understand. I think that it was really helpful and I’m glad that I had people to relate to. I am still doing these sessions and honestly, I feel a lot better and I’m even in the right headspace and have been for the past couple of months. I would definitely recommend it to people who want to express themselves and even learn techniques to deal with your condition too and not feel alone in that situation. It is also good to note that it may not be for everyone though and that’s also ok too. For me personally, I’m glad I tried it and would continue with it and also would want to do one-to-one sessions as well because there is a lot of things that I would like to share personally that I wouldn’t want to share in the group. There is nothing wrong with that too, as group therapy is a place where you can share what you feel comfortable with and would remain within the four walls of that room including the people in it.

I am now in a better headspace and even taking on things to keep me distracted. I am working on my writing, which I will update on my writing blog, and have been doing arts and craft. I am volunteering a lot too, doing creative writing workshops and even other upcoming projects too like training to be a coach (life coaching not fitness – I’m way too unfit lol). I am also trying to keep fit as well by doing swimming and hopefully starting on yoga. I’ve researched yoga with my specific health conditions and I think that there are many things that I could try. I am really unhappy with my weight gain (even though I don’t look it) and I’m not happy with my body shape so I want to change it. It’s something that I want to do for myself and no one else. So I’m not being pressured by anyone to do it and I’m enjoying myself because it’s something that I want to do. It’s important to do things for yourself and not for others, this has always been said but very few actually practice it. Hence, I feel like anything I’m doing, I’m doing it for myself.

On top of all of this, I am also learning another language which I have been for a while and at the beginning I was able to give it some time and then I had a brief pause because I was so busy and then I’ve started it up again properly in the past few months and making a lot of progress. I’m enjoying it so much, it’s like learning in code that no one else can understand except those who speak in the same code as you. It’s amazing and I enjoy learning a lot, even if I’m not so good at it.

I’m also going to be starting an online fictional writing course in September which I’m also looking forward to. I will speak more about this on my writing blog so I don’t make this post too long.

I’m also going on more outings than usual, as I’ve always wanted to explore London to the fullest and I think what better way then with others? I’ve been to many places like galleries, museums, beaches (not in London of course but just as fun) and many more general outings.

Overall, my life has had many ups and a few downs and it’s amazing, because I’m doing so many things, I wanted to keep a journal, I’ve started a few which I need to update, and I’ve also started a bullet journal from last month and it’s so far going really well. I just need to update everything and be on top of it all. It’s my first time bullet journalling and I actually enjoy it a lot, you feel productive, and keep on top of everything.

I think that’s a wrap on my life and everything I needed to say. Hopefully, I can post soon, to make up for the lack of posts I have added images from the past fews months (in order of the most recent one first) and I’ll be talking a little about them too.

My 3 panelled Sakura Painting (7/07/2019)

This 3 panelled Sakura (or cherry blossom) painting I did was actually an idea I had serveral months ago to nearly a year. I managed to make a start on it last year November (I think it may have been earlier) however I really worked and finished the painting in the weekend of the beginning of July and this was it’s results. To be honest, I think I could make it a lot lighter in shade and I can always go back to it but I think it turned out great. This painting was done in Acrylics and I hung it up in my room making it look a lot more cosy and full.

Drawing done from a Pinterest reference (2/07/2019)

This drawing was done by looking at a Pinterest photo for reference. I love the clock and roses theme they are always a good combination for capturing that vintage asthetics. I used my fineliners for the first time and I think they came out wonderfully.

Margate Beach Seagulls (27/06/2019)
Margate Beach (27/06/2019)

This is when I went to the beach in Margater at the end of June. It was nice and amazing, I went with the place that I volunteer at and it was a wonderful experience, it was warm but windy. There were ever some brave seagulls that kept on eyeing up our seating area and food. They were huge and slyly would come towards us which we then had to shoo away. I loved the whole experience and it was wonderful, I think there were some who didn’t like it but I enjoyed myself, we even played a little vollyball style game too. Sandy beaches are the best of course so it’s always nice.

Houses of Parliament (4/03/2019)

I loved going to the Houses of Parliament, it was so interesting touring the history and learning a lot about how laws and the gorvernment work. I really enjoyed the place and I think the best thing is that it was free! It definitely gave me ideas for a story which I feel I would write but after some of my other books that I have in mind. I can absolutely see myself going there again. The tour lasted for about 1hr 30mins so we weren’t able to explore everything and that’s why each tour is unique to the visitors and you will experience something different.

Edit 22nd Aug 19: I just realised I left this post without finishing it, or that I did finish it but it got deleted either way here you go, and ending to this post:

Overall it was an adventurous and fun time and I’m glad that I took part in all of these events,

Take care and think positive,

Tarana A beaming star shining with positivity for the world to embrace xoxox

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